Holy shit, I can't believe I am 12 weeks (and 1 day) pregnant. I still can't believe it, but I'm definitely starting feel more hopeful and excited. Seth and I went home for the holiday weekend and we told my extended family that I'm pregnant. They knew we were dealing with IF and some knew we were going through IVF so they were really happy for us. It was nice to feel like a "normal" pregnant person for a bit. However, I did still feel a little weird talking about it. Everyone wanted to know if we would find out the sex and they were making guesses (98% of the people guessed boy) and that made me a little uneasy. I realized that it's just because I'm still stuck in the "if we have a baby" mentality. It's hard for me to think "when we have a baby". Hopefully that will get better as time and more milestones go by, but honestly I don't think it will go away until I actually have a baby.
How far along: 12 weeks! Baby is the size of a plum - about 2 inches long!
Physical symptoms: Still tired, still a bit queasy, nothing new.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Still at my normal weight which is a few pounds below my IVF weight.
Maternity clothes: Not needed yet, but my new bras rule.
Stretch marks: Nope.
Sleep: Eh. Still sucks, though it helps if I put pillows under my hips. Plus my body pillow and a pillow between my knees.
Best moment of the week: Letting my mom and sisters hear the baby's heartbeat and sending the announcement text to my aunts, uncles, and cousins. Also, it was really cute when my 4.5 year old niece said "So, I heard you're having a baby".
Movement: Nothing that I can feel yet.
Food cravings/aversion: Soft pretzels (I ate ALL of the pretzels this weekend), coke/cherry coke, and Chik-fil-A. Coffee still tastes like ass.
Sex: Not sure yet, but pretty much everyone except me and Seth guess that it's a boy.
Labor signs: Not yet.
Belly button: Still in.
What I miss: Sleep and beer. But mostly sleep.
What I am looking forward to: NT scan! Only one more sleep to go. I am so anxious and excited to see/hear if the baby looks okay so far.
Milestones: According to the app on my phone, our chance of miscarriage drops dramatically this week so that's good to know.
So exciting that you got to spread the news! I think that was one of my favorite parts of being pregnant with Ben and Conner. I hope you get more sleep soon now that you're approaching the second trimester!
ReplyDeleteThat's so cute about your niece :-) Yay for the upcoming NT scan! I hope everything goes perfectly! <3
ReplyDeleteYay for sharing with your family, and your niece's comment was so cute :) Good luck with your NT scan, I hope baby looks just perfect! <3