Countdown to EDD: 9 weeks (woohoo single digits)/62 days
Baby is the size of a: Pineapple! All five of his senses are working and his brain is becoming more developed.
Physical symptoms: A little bit of heartburn, RLP and lower back pain. Nothing terrible. Oh yeah and blood in my pee without a UTI. And tired. So so tired.
Mood: Completely unstable. This was not my week. On Monday, I cried (a lot) when I had to leave my dogs home alone for the first time after we had a fire hazard at the house. Then I cried when I raced home to check on them and realized that my roommate was staying home. Then I cried just because. On Wednesday, I started peeing blood again. Friday I found out that I didn't have a UTI so I'll need to see a specialist to figure that shit out. Saturday I cried because the sandwich place wouldn't put my ham on the side so I could heat it up even though they did it last time. At least pregnancy hormones don't make me ragey. Well, I was a lit bit ragey at the sandwich place. Just cut the ham, pretend you're putting it on the roll and then move it to the side a little bit. Why is that not allowed?
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +17 lbs
Maternity clothes: Yep. I bought the cutest thermals for the holiday season.
Sleep: Same, good. Still peeing all night, but sleeping okay in between.
Best moment of the week: Since last week was not my week, I'm stealing a moment from this week. It looks like Seth might have off for 3-4 weeks around the holidays! He has an education-based job, but the university is only closed for four days. However, he found out today that his lab will be closed from 12/15 to 1/5. So it's unconfirmed, but there's a good chance he can spend more time at home! I'm really happy. Obviously, I'm thrilled that we're having a baby but I'm getting a little emotional about the fact that we only have two months of "just us" time left. I believe that it will be better with three of us, but it will still be different.
Movement: Yep. Baby tried to break out of my left side last night.
Sex: Boy
Labor signs: Nope
What I miss: I miss when my boobs didn't sit on my belly and squish my lungs.
What I am looking forward to: Thanksgiving and the 34 week growth scan
Milestones: 34 weeks. My doctor (all doctors?) will not try to stop labor starting at 34 weeks so that feels like a big deal.
Showing yet: Yes. I usually sleep in a t-shirt and none of my regular t-shirts fit anymore.
I can't believe you're down to single digits, ahhh!!! I hope you can see the specialist soon and it's nothing too serious or hard to deal with. I hope Seth gets that time off at the holidays, it would be so nice to get to spend some good time together before baby boy arrives! You look great as always, such a perfect bump!!
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry you had a bad week! I hope your husband gets that time off. I get the same feeling - we don't have much time left just the two of us! My doctor also said that they would not stop labor after 34 weeks. The chance of survival by that point is pretty identical to that of a full term baby and long term issues are minimal or non existent with good care. Your bump is so cute! I'm waiting until I look pregnant and not... well, fat.
ReplyDeleteYAY for single digits! Sorry you are having such a hard time with the UTI type symptoms. Hopefully the specialist can help you figure it out! You are look great! This LO will be here before you know it!