Countdown to EDD: 3 weeks/20 days
Baby is the size of a: Winter melon. Baby E is considered early-term now! He's still practicing sucking, breathing, swallowing and things like that. He's probably between 6 and 7.5 lbs now (based on my last growth scan).
Physical symptoms: Very tired, often irritable and usually uncomfortable
Mood: Fine - I'm just really excited!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: No change since last week
Maternity clothes: What a pain in the ass. It's so hot here, but none of my warm weather maternity clothes fit anymore. I'm too lazy and too cheap to buy new clothes at this point, so I'm mostly wearing yoga pants and PJs. Oh! Nursing bras are totally amazing though.
Sleep: Not too bad. I think I only peed twice - TWICE - the other night! Sometimes I wake up and having trouble shutting my mind off and getting back to sleep though.
Best moment of the week: I'm supposed to say Christmas, but honestly the best moment was waking up to an empty house (meaning just me, Seth and the pups) this morning.
Movement: Still wild, still trying to spin around but I think it's been unsuccessful.
Food cravings/aversions: Nothing new
Sex: Boy
Labor signs: Prelabor signs: As of last Wednesday, I was 80% effaced and dilated 2 cm. Our families are convinced that I'll have the baby early, but I don't feel anything yet. It's a little frustrating that everyone thinks that because...I don't know it just feels like a lot of pressure having everyone waiting like this.

What I miss: Beer and a cold turkey hoagie - this will be my "first meal". Okay, maybe the beer will have to wait until after we leave the hospital. That's fine. I can have as many hoagies as I want that week.
What I am looking forward to: I'm still looking forward to labor. I'm sure my feelings will change rapidly when labor actually starts, but for now I'm excited. I think I feel cheated out of the surprise pregnancy and surprising Seth with a positive test business. I can't wait until something happens and I get to tell Seth that it's time to go, that it's time to meet our son.
Milestones: 37 weeks!! Baby E is no longer considered pre-term. His lungs could still do some maturing and he may or may not be ready to eat on his own, but otherwise he should be good to go at this point!
Showing yet: Duh. You know, everyone always talks about how you can't see your feet at the end. That's bullshit - you can, you just have to lean forward a little bit. You know what you can't see? Your crotch. It's impossible. I mean, I don't really need to see it but being unable to is a strange feeling. Just in case you were wondering about that, now you know.
OMG. I love you. I am cracking up right now - I have told my husband multiple times that I can no longer see my vagina unless I try really, really hard. It's kind of sad to think that the next time I see it, it may look very different from the last time I saw it...
ReplyDeleteAlso, you are so close to meeting this baby! And "we" (your readers) are too! I cannot wait!!!
Aaah! I got so excited imagining you telling Seth it's go time!! I'm totally jealous you're sleeping and seriously, only twice to pee is amazing, lol!! You look so great and with absolutely no pressure here, I'm so excited to meet E, when he's ready to make his debut!! <3
ReplyDeleteYou look fantastic! Can't wait for baby E to make his arrival whenever he's ready!
ReplyDeleteYou really look amazing Ana!!! I can't wait for him to get here!!!!
ReplyDeleteI <3 you. I am so freakin excited for you.