AHH!!! I can't believe it! I'm half baked! It's so weird - some days it feels like time is flying by and other days it feels like I've been pregnant forever. I can't believe we're halfway there. Only 4 more weeks until viability day!
Luckily, it's been another boring week!

How far along: 20 weeks
Baby is the size of a: Banana! Baby is around 6.5 inches long and over 10 oz. His tastes buds are working and he's busy drinking amniotic fluid. Sounds awesome - sorry Bud.
Luckily, it's been another boring week!
How far along: 20 weeks
Baby is the size of a: Banana! Baby is around 6.5 inches long and over 10 oz. His tastes buds are working and he's busy drinking amniotic fluid. Sounds awesome - sorry Bud.
Physical symptoms: Possibly a UTI, but nothing else.
Mood: Mostly good. I've been getting a little emotional about Baby's name (or not baby's name) but I'm trying really hard to hide it because I do NOT want Seth to feel pressured into choosing something he doesn't love. We hopefully have plenty of time to decide anyway...but I'm not always rational.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I don't know, I forgot to check. I feel the same though.
Maternity clothes: Just my belly band, which rules.
Sleep: Fine, I guess. Still tossing and turning a bit.
Best moment of the week: Baby was going crazy for a few days and once I was able to feel my stomach jump from the outside! Of course as soon as I got Seth, Baby stopped moving but hopefully we'll both get to feel it soon.
Movement: Yep! It's still sporadic, but it's getting stronger and some days I feel him moving all day long.

Food cravings/aversions: I want all of the buffalo chicken, mashed potatoes, and Lucky Charms. I have an aversion to everything else.
Sex: Still a boy!
Labor signs: Not yet.
What I miss: Beer. I don't give many fucks about football, but I do love beer and game day snacks in the fall.
What I am looking forward to: Viability day, deciding on a name, Seth feeling Baby for the first time...
Milestones: Baby is half baked!! Also, feeling the baby move is probably a pretty big milestone too.
Showing yet: I guess, but not really in my regular clothes.