It has been 21 months and 24 cycles (21 active) since we first started trying to conceive.
I have been through one surgery and two IVF cycles.
We have spent over $20,000.00.
I have cried and prayed too many times to count.
It has all been worth it.
Today, I am pregnant.
I am not a patient person and I hate surprises, so I started testing out my trigger on 3dp5dt. The FRER was negative. I tested again on 4dp5dt - another negative. On the morning of 5dp5dt, I couldn't sleep so I got out of bed at 5:30, tested, and took it back to bed with me. When my timer went off, I looked at the test with just the light from my phone.
Holy shit. There was a second line.
I ran back to the bathroom to look at it in the light and there was no doubt that the test was positive. I decided to take a digital test, assuming that it would be negative so that I could use the digitals to see if my levels were rising. I dipped the test and a minute later "Pregnant" popped up. Honestly, that made me a little nervous. I thought maybe since I had been drinking so much extra fluid that the negatives I had were because my pee wasn't concentrated again.
7dp5dt |
6dp5dt - More positives! My cycle buddies convinced me that it was extremely unlikely that the tests were still picking up the trigger, especially with the negative tests earlier this week. I started to believe that this might be real.
Today is 7dp5dt and I am so happy to say that I am still pregnant. I think I took four tests this morning and they were all positive. I even tried one of the fancy new digitals that tells you how many weeks you are past ovulation (1-2 weeks for me, which is accurate).
Obviously, I am thrilled. I have doubted so many times whether this would ever happened. I am extremely grateful. I feel so lucky to be pregnant right now and I am going to do my best to try to enjoy each minute. Seth is happy too. He was skeptical at first, but he was much quicker to believe it than I was. I don't think he ever had as much doubt as I did.
Our first official blood test is on Monday. We're praying for a nice strong beta. We're anxious and we're scared, but today we have hope.
I want to thank each and every one of you for being so supportive along the way. Words cannot describe what your friendship has meant to me. I will never ever forget your kindness.