Weight: E was 16 lbs 12 oz. I think that was close to the 30th percentile!
Height: 28 inches long. He's so tall!
Hair: He has an awesome fauxhawk or upside mullet. It still looks brown sometimes, blond other times.
Eyes: Still blue
Sleep: This has been the best month yet. E typically sleeps 4 hours or more for his first stretch and then he's only been waking 2 twice before getting up around 7:30. He's really good about going to bed too. It's been amazing - such a huge change from the past two months.
Milestones: He's been a pro at sitting for awhile. As soon as he learned to sit, he started trying to stand. He's very good at standing if I help prop him up against the sofa or a table.
Likes: Reading, trying to stand, his anchor teether, eating (sometimes)
Dislikes: Drinking (bottle or breast), getting dressed, having his diaper changed
What's going on: The biggest thing going on this past month was that E started eating solids (just oatmeal) and sleeping so much better. Unfortunately, he does not tolerate the oatmeal well. He's a very sensitive little boy (wonder where he gets that). It makes him constipated and gives him a terrible diaper rash. The doctor said that the oatmeal changes the acidity of poop. That's exactly what the rash looks like - an acid burn. Poor E. Luckily it clears up pretty quickly as soon as we stop the oatmeal.
What's Next: Next up is the 9 month appointment in October.
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