Oh my gosh I've been so busy. I finally had some free time this afternoon so I took a few pictures so that I can finally post about my shower.
MY baby shower :)
CAKE!!! |
It was awesome. My mom and sisters did such a wonderful job. It was exactly as I always hoped it would be. I only made it to the second gift before I started crying (which I didn't really expect). It was from one of my sisters. In her card, she wrote something about being afraid that this day would never happen, but being so happy that it was finally here. I just cried. That's EXACTLY how I have been feeling this whole time about all of this. I've been so scared that we would never get to have a baby and experience all of the wonderful things that come along with being a parent. I am so incredibly grateful that we're getting this chance. I also feel so lucky to have family who are there for me in good times and bad. It's very hard to understand what it's like to be infertile unless it happens to you, but my family is amazing. It's obvious that they care very much about us. I'm sad that they have felt even a small amount of the pain and fear that Seth and I have experienced, but I'm so grateful that we didn't have to go through this alone.
Back to the fun part! My family is so generous and our little guy was completely spoiled. We received a bunch of the big things that we need and want - swing, bouncer, bath tub, bassinet, pack n play - and lots of little necessities and fun items. Here are some of my favorite gifts.

Left: These are all toys from "Guess How Much I Love You". I love that book and bunnies are one of my favorite animals. There's also a little moon that lights up and plays music and a rattle.
Right: That's an accessory bag that matches the diaper bag I ordered (which should get here on Saturday!). They're all Ju Ju Be. I am so pumped. I've been watching You Tube videos about organizing your Ju Ju Be backpack for cloth diapering and I can't wait to get it. The print it yellow and gray. We chose it because it's fun enough for me and simple enough for Seth to carry.

Left: Look at this teeny little diaper cover! I registered for some Thirsties covers to use with prefold diapers. Look at the teeny little clothes pins too! My mom used them at the shower and gave them to me to use with my CD laundry.
Right: Bilingual books! We got a bunch of these from my sister and nieces. We're hoping that Seth will be able to teach the baby Spanish so that he has no trouble communicating with that side of his family. My niece was so excited to give us the books because she has some of the same ones in English. She also said she's going to say "Hola" when she meets her cousin for the first time.

We got so many cute little outfits and onesies. These are a few of my favorites. Baby needs to know about his background! There's still some debate on whether he'll be an Eagles fan or a Dolphins fan, but we'll let him decide when he's old enough. He's got plenty of gear to represent both teams already. Oh and obviously, he loves huskies!
One of the best gifts was our stroller and car seat set. I am so pumped about this. It was my favorite of all the ones we tried at the store (even more than the Britax or City Mini). The things I love about it are that it has 3 wheels, it's very light, easy to fold and maneuver, and it has the world's biggest canopy. Look at it! I also love the neutral colors and simple pattern.
I'm having so much fun sorting through everything and getting the nursery set up. I'll be doing more of that this weekend. So next up - nursery progress! For now, let's end of the world's longest AW post.