E's favorite things: playing on his play mat, going for walks with his brothers, riding in his "big boy" stroller, "talking", taking baths, eating (especially in the middle of the night)
E's least favorite things: Hmm. There aren't too many things. He's a pretty happy guy. He doesn't really like it when the person holding him sits down. Doesn't really love tummy time either.
As for me, I'm still breastfeeding! I made it to 3 months, which was my revised goal. We went to the lactation consultant a few weeks ago and she identified a number of potential issues - vasospasms due to Raynaud's phenomenon, a strong letdown which probably caused/causes E to bite down and E has a high arched palate (like his dad). I also saw a dermatologist who confirmed that we do not have a yeast infection. I started treating the vasospasms with heating pads, but that's really all we could do. I think that my letdown/supply must have adjusted or maybe E just got better at handling it as he got bigger because things have really improved. My nipple is still fucked, but it really doesn't hurt that much when I'm nursing. I've been pumping less often so I'm wondering if maybe the pump has been a big part of the problem all along. Who knows? I'm so relieved that I was able to reach my goal. I think that E really enjoys nursing and I'm glad that I didn't have to take that from him (although he takes to the bottle pretty well too). I probably wouldn't have been able to do it if I didn't have such amazing support. Thank you to everyone!